Dec 16, 2016 : Stand Up For Passion - Tokyo
曙は1996年に帰化、2001年に現役引退後は親方として東関部屋で後輩の指導をしていましたが、2003年に日本相撲協会を退職、格闘技K-1に参戦 しました。 K-1では好成績を残せず、無所属のプロレスラーとして主に全日本プロレスのリングに上がり、ZERO1の世界ヘビー級王座を獲得しています。
Akebono Taro, born May 8, 1969 as Chad Haaheo Rowan is a retired American born-Japanese sumo wrestler from Waimānalo, Hawaiʻi. Joining the professional sport in Japan in 1988, he was trained by pioneering Hawaiian sumo wrestler Takamiyama and rose swiftly up the rankings, reaching the top division in 1990. After two consecutive yusho or tournament championships in November 1992 and January 1993 he made history by becoming the first foreign born wrestler ever to reach yokozuna, the highest rank in sumo.
Akebono became a Japanese citizen in 1996, and after retiring in 2001 he worked as a coach at Azumazeki stable before leaving the Sumo Association in 2003. After an unsuccessful period as a K-1 fighter, he is now a freelance professional wrestler, mainly performing for the All Japan Pro Wrestling promotion. He is the current Zero1 World Heavyweight Champion in Zero1.
フランス、パリ生まれ。母子家庭で、母は日本大好きなフランス人で在日26年。パリと東京で8カ月でモデル兼女優として、活動スタート。5歳に家族で日本に転居、私立田園調布雙葉卒業。イギリスで英語を学んだ後、パリのインターナショナルスクールで3カ国語で卒業。17歳でトライリンガルMC(司会)として活動スタート。パリ医大を卒業後、熱い思いを胸に、パリのインターナショナル・ビューティ・インスティチュートを卒業。26歳で株式会社I Style Japan設立。田園調布にトータルビューティ&イメージコンサルティング・サロンとイベントマネージング事務所をオープン。 現在は数々のTV CM出演やTBSの人気番組「所さんのニッポンの出番」ではフランス人レポーターとしても活躍中。日英仏のトリリンガルMC。フランス料理やグルメの巨匠とのコラボイベントを企画。夢は「人に自信を持たせる仕事」をこなしながら2020年のオリンピックでの活躍!
Born in Paris, France in a single mother family. She came to Tokyo 26 years ago with her twin sister Alex and her mother loving Japan working as a NHK journalist. Started her acting career as a baby model with her twin sister in “Three men and a baby” french movie at 8 months old and never stopped. Went to private Japanese school and Graduated from french international school EABJM. Starting her trilingual MC and translator career at 17. After graduating Medical school in Paris, came back to Tokyo and created her image consulting and event producing company, I Style Japan.K.K at the age of 26. Today while working as “foreign Model and TV talent and narrator speaking Japanese as native” she also works as trilingual MC around the globe. Her dream is to change people’s lives for the better and represent Japan at Tokyo Olympics 2020!
1982年3月12日生まれ 33歳、国内ロードレースの登竜門・鈴鹿4時間 耐久レースに参戦、いきなり優勝の栄冠に輝いたのはまだ中学2年生のとき。わずか13歳の最年少記録は20年経った今でも更新されていません。彗星のごと く登場した天才は、その後ワークスライダーとして、国内ロードレースで数々の優勝を遂げてきました。2002年にはMotoGP鈴鹿ラウンドにスポット参 戦し、世界のレギュラーライダーたちをしり目に2位表彰台を獲得。さらに2008年鈴鹿8時間耐久レースでは、名門ヨシムラから参戦すると2位を獲得。そ の翌年には見事優勝を達成しました。ヨーロッパ各地で開催されている世界耐久レース選手権にもフランスのチームから招聘され参戦。見事ワールドチャンピオ ンに輝きました。2012年からはBMW JAPANの協力のもと自らチームを立ち上げ、限りなくノーマルに近い状態のマシンで記録を次々と更新しBMWのポテンシャルの高さを証明するレースを展 開しています。
Daisaku SAKAI, born in 1982, is a Japanese road race rider. His record as a Suzuka 4H race winner at the age of only 13 has not been broken for 20 years until now. After having enjoyed top scorings in various national road races, a French team invited this riding genius for European races and won the international championships. In 2012, Daisaku founded “Team 39” with cooperation of BMW. He proves BMW Motorrad has high potential by breaking various records with the bike just about normal conditions.
German, born 30. Sept 1971 is the founder and CEO of Aventa and involved in many entrepreneurial activities. Before he became an entrepreneur he had been in local and global strategic management functions in major multinational corporations like Bayer. BASF, Henkel and was heading the Japanese operations of the No1 German furniture brand hülsta. He is the father of two beautiful and healthy kids and apart from his company Aventa running 4 different companies in Health & Beauty, Lifestyle, Environmental and IT business. His mission for life is something completely different. Not business, not money, not power. He wants to create a better world. People, Earth and Life are the pillars of his vision for a better future. He is also an active board member of the FCC and a supporter of several charity organisations like Room to Read, Aoi Tori Project, Second Harvest, Kids Earth Fund etc. His hobbies are running, snowboarding, classical music and Jazz as well as traveling.
SONESS STEVENS ソネス・スティーブンス
ハローキティの英語の声でも知られる声優。また、毎週NHKでプレキソ英語番組にも出演し、海外でもステージ講演を行っている。さらに横浜国立大学ではこ れまで15年にわたり経済学部の生徒にビジネスプレゼンテーションを指導。彼女の著書には大学で使用されている日本初のマルチメディア教科書がある。サー フィン、スケートボード、スノーボードが趣味で、日本では19年、海の側で、ボードに囲まれた生活を送っている。
Soness is an international speaker, author, and coach. She works with speakers, tech-ies and introverts to become engaging presenters, both online and on the live stage. Her mission for women to empower themselves creating global change. She’s shared messages of change to live audiences of hundreds-of-thousands. She is a master trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Results Coaching and is a qualified member of the International Coaching Federation. You can watch her on NHK twice a week and may have seen or heard her on NHK and FOX Japan weekly over the past 12 years. She has authored best-selling books including Show-N-Tell: Presenting from the Heart, the first multi-media textbook used at major universities in Japan and 28 Days to the first book on Positive Psychology used in universities in Japan.
Fun fact: Soness is the official English voice of Hello Kitty.
My name is Yasumasa Okawa. I had colorectal cancer 8 years ago. I tried to find the best operation by university hospital and done very quick for arrange cancer operation and preparation for hospital. I was very cool like robot. My wife and family were panic for finding my cancer.
I was 36 years old. My business was very great time, build Tokyo Midtown interior part of stone and kitchen area. After cancer operation, I changed my life. I felt sorry for my daughter, because papa became already cancer man. Also I did chemical therapy after operation in 6 month, It was hardest therapy. I don’t want back this therapy again. My cancer level was 3a which cancer had spread to lymph. It means that cancer was flowing through all of the body. My wife had researched by internet and many books about cancer, find about Dr. Max Gelson who are natural therapy doctor for Diabetes, This therapy are against chemical therapy, because no chemical used only organic without salt, sugar and butter, eating Genmai, organic vegetable, fish. Drink own urine and enema coffee etc… It was hard for every think.
My weight was from 85kg to 42kg. I was very weak man.
Heardest news that round my cancer friends all died. After each person died I became white is in my head and I cried enough to want to die. My family and daughter even when such gave me encouragement. I must alive for family. I try always for it.
I think I should alive and I should do my best and make happy every one with passion.
After cancer I establish my company, company name is Freude in German mean deep joy in English. I work as import from Europe beautiful architect material and make with it inside interior deco and furniture one. Because I hope people became happy from it.
ALBERT ABUT アルベール・アビュト
Albert Abut is a French architect, graduated from the prestigious Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. His architecture is defined by his French heritage, a very distinct creativity with a specific vision on architecture & urban planning, and, the French innovative spirit. During the past 25 years spent living between Paris & Tokyo and immersed also in Japanese history & culture, the Paris & Tokyo avant-garde scenes inspired him in the realization of many buildings which have been characterized under “specific minimalism with attention to detail”.